Ketamine Treatment

Ketamine Treatment for Psychiatric Help in Austin, TX

Dr. Arvinder Walia directs Northwest Psychiatry in Austin, TX. Our esteemed, experienced, skilled, board-certified doctor specializes in adult psychiatric medicine. He is here today to discuss the high rate of success that ketamine treatment shows in psychiatric medicine. He will also discuss what to expect when ketamine is needed and how it helps with depression.

What Is Ketamine Treatment? 

Ketamine was initially used and still is as a general anesthesia in procedures such as reducing fractures, joint dislocation, and repair of wounds. Additionally,

  • Trauma situations
  • Abdominal pain
  • Arm and leg pain
  • Low back pain
  • Seizures lasting more than five minutes and repeated seizures within five minutes

Further research indicates that ketamine is helpful in the treatment of depression and anxiety. This medication relieves symptoms of depression if other treatment options are unsuccessful.

What To Expect from Ketamine Administration

Common responses to ketamine therapy and response times vary between individuals. You may or may not require additional ketamine treatments for successful therapy outcomes.

  • Improved mood
  • Reduction in anxiety
  • Elimination of depression symptoms

Our doctor recommends that you rest and avoid strenuous activities for 24 hours.

How Ketamine Treatment Helps With Depression

We need you to understand that this IV therapy successfully treats depression in you if you have had little success with antidepressant medications. Ketamine shows success in treating:

  • Major depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Suicide ideations
  • Treatment-resistant depression

Researchers find that an MNDA receptor known as GluN2B suppresses signaling and represses protein synthesis. But after administration of ketamine, this GluN2B antagonist reverses, giving you antidepressant effects.

The exact theory of how ketamine works on the brain, producing an antidepressant effect, remains up for debate, and ketamine's response to the brain is not entirely understood. However, when tried on several individuals, the response was positive.

Call Dr. Walia today at Northwest Psychiatry in Austin, TX, at (512) 342-7979 to schedule your consultation appointment for possible ketamine treatment and if you need help with a mental health disorder. Our doctor wants to meet with you to review your history, and help increase your quality of life by decreasing symptoms of depression. 

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